Feature Friday: Up Parenting Creek

A Father for Feminism

One Father's Desire for His Daughter's Equality
I have made that joke about the shotgun. You know, someone says to the father that his daughter is beautiful or that she’s growing up fast or that she’ll be a heartbreaker, and the father smiles knowingly and says, yeah, he’s already shopping for shotguns. He’ll spend his daughter’s teenage years sitting on the porch and cleaning the sucker all day, just to make sure every boy who comes by sees him.
Because, of course, a daughter is a father’s property and he needs to protect his property from being stolen and potentially defiled by another man.

by Gabriel Amadeus © 2012
by Gabriel Amadeus © 2012

Not such a great joke when it’s put in those terms, is it?
But I’ve made the joke. Multiple times. Because I don’t always think before I try to be funny. And because, while I want my daughter to grow into a strong woman who loves deeply and who experiences life fully, I am afraid of the men who will, indeed, attempt to treat her like property.
Almost every culture throughout the world oppresses women. Our culture is not nearly as bad as some but that doesn’t mean our culture doesn’t have a lot of work to do. American fathers don’t make jokes about needing a shotgun when their sons come of age. We assume our sons will be mostly fine. I want a world in which we can assume our daughters will be mostly fine too.
I have a strategy for this. And a metaphor.
Fathers: Feminism is our shotgun.
 Read the full post here.

About Up Parenting Creek

As parents, sometimes we find ourselves in a tough situation. We don’t always have the tools we want or think that we need. Sometimes it feels like we are up the creek without a paddle.
So what do we do? We get creative. We ask for advice. We brain storm. We talk with other parents. Most of all, we keep our sense of humor!
We are parents who are still working on figuring out this crazy job of raising kids. Join us, if you want to share the ups and downs of parenting, work, marriage and life.

Check out their blog here.